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PatPat was founded in the year 2014 by two friends namely, Albert Wang and Ken Gao. They both realized that there was a steady need for affordable fashion clothing and accessories for tiny tots growing at a fast pace and their doting Mothers.
During the growing years, the family has to deal with many expenses and also there is a lack of time for shopping. Keeping these two factors in mind they founded PatPat which would be a one-stop-shop for all the needs of the Mom and the child that would help them in saving money and time, both!!!
PatPat has carefully crafted sections separately for babies, toddlers, kids, and mothers. Baby sets like dresses, denim, t-shirts, shirts, jumpsuits, sleepwear, leggings, shorts for babies and kids, name it and you have it and everything in your budget!!! Mothers need special care as well, so they have specially curated maternity wear like nursing tops, tanks and dresses, shirts, dresses, jumpsuits, and skirts.
For the birthday celebration and family get-togethers, they have home and wall decoration accessories. For the subtle needs of the kids, they have baby souvenirs, storage organizers, baby bibs for the baby to not spoil the clothes, bed and bath items that are skin-friendly and cozy for the baby, sleeping bag and bed, diaper bags, etc. Pets are like one’s babies hence they have everything for them as well.
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