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Golden Scent is ready to help you. Please choose from the following options for information about your order, product information, store locations, and more. You can also find answers to frequently asked questions by clicking on the links below.
Golden Scent Contact Number +966 13 333 9238
Lines open
Saturday – Thursday
10am - 7pm
You can also email them through their website by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of the page.
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Golden Scent has a wide range of fragrance, makeup, skincare, hair care, and various other beauty care products from international brands like Gucci Versace Calvin Klein Manseira, Chanel, Dior, etc. Go through the Golden Scent offers available online to save more on every purchase that you make. Products and items at Golden Scent are of top-notch quality and loved by many. So, start shopping with Golden Scent.
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Golden scent uses Aramex to deliver your products at your doorstep. The products purchased will reach you within 3-5 business days. After you place your order, you will receive a confirmation mail or message as well as a unique tracking ID. You can track your order using this ID that belongs to you.
Call or contact Golden Scent at care@goldenscent.com or (+971) 48757600 to get through the customer care service. Request your return and wait for them to pick up the order. Please ensure that the product is in the same condition as you had received it. Remember to return the original money receipt as well. Once your request is inspected, the refund will be processed in some time.
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