Get ready for Eid 2024 with CouponCodesMe KSA's amazing deals and offers!
With a vast array of exclusive coupon codes and discount deals from popular retailers in KSA, you can indulge in your favorite brands and products without straining your wallet. Enjoy savings of up to 70% on clothing, electronics, accessories, home decor, and more from various stores.
Use CouponCodesMe's coupon codes to save even more on your purchases. Whether you're planning a family vacation, sprucing up your home, or sharing a special meal with loved ones, this is the ideal opportunity to take advantage of these fantastic deals and offers and celebrate the festive season to the fullest.
Eid or Eid al-Fitr 2024 is expected to occur on or around April 9th or 10th. Also known as the Feast of Breaking the Fast, the holiday marks the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting. This festival is one of the two most important Islamic holidays, the other being Eid al-Adha. The holiday lasts for three days. During this time, Muslims gather to pray in congregation, exchange gifts, and enjoy feasts with their families and friends. It is a time of celebration, joy, and happiness as they reflect on their spiritual growth during fasting.
The day of Eid al-Fitr starts with a special prayer at the mosque or a designated outdoor location. Muslims gather in their finest clothes and listen to the sermon delivered by the imam. After the prayer, Muslims greet each other with the traditional Arabic greeting of "Eid Mubarak," meaning "blessed festival." They hug and exchange gifts and sweets, especially with children.
In this way, Eid al-Fitr serves as a powerful reminder of the values of charity, compassion, and spiritual growth central to the Islamic faith and as a celebration of the sacrifices and devotion made during Ramadan. It is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness as Muslims gather to mark the end of the holy month.
If you plan on making this Eid special for you and your child, you’ve come to the right place. CouponCodesME offers special discounts on everything, from glamorous clothes to toys, gifts, and more from popular online stories in the KSA. Do take a look:
Need help with how to dress your little one for the occasion? Shop sophisticated styles will make you stare in awe and leave you wanting more! From dresses available in various patterns to formals, shoes, and necklaces, CouponCodesMe has got you covered from top to bottom to bring out the best in your little one. Scroll through the page and shop from your favorite stores. Remember to use the promo code to avail your special discount.
We know this is when your home needs to look its finest, so we are here to help you with that. We have the right stuff for you if you consider making your home stand out. From Gold and Silver lanterns to customized paper plates to Disco balls, we have everything you need to start the party! Don’t forget to use the promo codes.
These things come in handy for Ramadan. You can choose from various colors if you’re looking for prayer gowns for your kids or yourself. Prayer boxes, calendars, and Ramadan journals are also available.
Want to surprise your little one on this occasion? How about giving a toy? Kids love toys and will surely put a wide smile on their faces. And Nothing could be better than using the promo code for a special discount to avail up to 50% Off on Gear, Outdoor, and Toys! From Dollhouses to board games to soft toys, Mumzworld’s diverse collection will not leave you disappointed.
Gift-giving is an essential tradition during Eid, and stores offer exciting deals and discounts on various gift items. There is something for everyone, from traditional gifts such as dates, chocolates, and Arabic sweets to more modern and trendy gifts like perfumes, gadgets, and home decor. Popular retailers in KSA offer special Eid collections with discounts and promotions. This is the perfect time to show appreciation to loved ones and take advantage of the best deals on gift items.
Simply visit the CouponCodesME page and visit the Eid category page.
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