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Payment and Cancellations
You can make bookings using debit or credit cards such as VISA, American Express, Master Card, apple pay etc. In case you have changed your mind, or your travel plans to a location have been altered, you can cancel your bookings. Please refer the cancellation policy as stated during the reservation process. As soon as you make your bookings you get a confirmation email, and the cancellation policy is stated there.
Save well with Radisson Hotels Coupon Codes
Enjoy your luxurious stays at Radisson Hotels, while not burning a hole in your pockets. We have curated special Radisson Hotels Coupon Codes specially for you so that you save well. If you are wondering as to how to use these coupons, it is a cakewalk. You need to click on the “get deal” button and apply the Radisson Hotels coupon codes at checkout. You will get lucrative discounts calculated on your cart value immediately. It is as simple as that! Check out for the latest Radisson hotels promo codes and deals for august 2021 and enjoy the last weekend of august like a queen or a boss. Deals such as members offer where Radisson members get up to 10% off on worldwide stays, earning 1000 points per night’s stay etc. are a catch, so go ahead and enjoy.
Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy luxurious stays and earning reward points so go and grab the deals asap!
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