Tavola Voucher Code & Promo Code for December 2024
We have 3 Tavola deals for you to choose from including 1 coupon codes, 2 Offer.
Latest offer: FREE Shipping On Orders Over SAR 300
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Tavolashop develops and operates stand alone or shop-in-shop retail concepts for mono or multiple brands, or for specific product categories.
Return & Exchange
Customer may return unused products within 30 days of purchase with the original receipt and in the original packaging, and we will be happy to offer an exchange or a credit note.
Products not eligible for exchange or return:
Discounted products, Books & magazines, Edible products, Beauty care products for hygiene reasons. Exchange is only accepted in the country where the purchase is made.
A refund will be issued in case a product cannot be repaired or replaced. The refund will be in the same way the payment was made.
For products under manufacturer warranty, please refer to the terms and conditions listed on the warranty card enclosed with the package. Please retain the original receipt to claim warranties on appliances covered by manufacturer’s warranty.
How to Use My Tavola Coupon Code?
You can enter the code here
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