Sephora Voucher Code & Promo Code for January 2025
We have 2 Sephora deals for you to choose from including 2 coupon codes, Offer.
Latest offer: Sephora Promo Code: 5% Discount On Orders
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A leader in prestige omni-retail, the mission at Sephora is to create a welcoming beauty shopping experience for all and inspire fearlessness in our community. Sephora operates over 2,700 stores in 35 countries worldwide, with an expanding base of over 500 stores across the Americas, and a world-class e-commerce site. Since opening their first US store in New York’s SoHo neighborhood in 1998, Sephora has been an industry-leading champion of diversity, inclusivity, and empowerment in the US, guided by our longstanding company values. Owned by LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, the world’s leading luxury goods group, Sephora was founded in France by Dominique Mandonnaud in 1970 and is defined by its unique, open-sell environment with an ever-increasing assortment of products from carefully curated brands, featuring emerging favorites, trusted classics, and Sephora’s own line, Sephora Collection.
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